Section 4 Understanding Salvation - 12 The Purpose, Life And Death Of Jesus Christ

Question: Why did You select twelve apostles? Why was it important that when Judas fell, they had to find another one to make sure there were 12 apostles during Pentecost? The common explanation is the twelve tribes of Israel. Even that, why the number 12?

God’s answer:

I go by the dozen.

Meaning: The significance of the number twelve has to do with the twelve fruits of the tree of life AND the verse in the bible when Jesus spoke to his 12 apostles and said: “ I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty; for cut off from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5.

The phrase “I go” means I spread out or I go out (promulgate). Just as the tree of life bears twelve fruits, so then does He have 12 branches. (the 12 apostles). In a sculpture in the Chapter: The Path of Salvation, Jesus refers to Himself as the fruit of Salvation.


When I first started on this journey, Jesus told me that when Judas betrayed him, an open seat for the 12th apostle was left open, and that all of us are invited sit in the table and be the 12th apostle.

It is also interesting to note that during the time of Moses, the Jews were instructed to always have 12 loaves of bread in the temple, called the showbread:

"showbread: “Showbread (Hebrew: לחם ה לים lechem haPānīm, literally: "Bread of the Presence"), in the King James Version: shewbread, in a biblical or Jewish context, refers to the cakes or loaves of bread which were always present on a specially dedicated table, in the Temple in Jerusalem as an offering to God. An alternative, and more appropriate, translation would be presence bread, since the Bible requires that the bread be constantly in the presence of God (Exodus 25:30). It is also mentioned in (Matthew 12:4) (τοὺς ἄρτους τῆς προθέσεως).

... In the Holiness Code, the shewbread is described as twelve cakes/loaves baked from fine flour, arranged in two rows/piles on a table standing before God.

The cakes were to be left on the table for a week, and then be replaced with new ones on the Sabbath, so that there were always fresh loaves on the table, and those that had started going stale were removed; the Biblical text states that the Jewish priests were entitled to eat the cakes that had been removed, as long as they did so in a holy place, as it considered the bread to be holy. “20

Question: Why the number 12?

God’s answer:

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